Announcements, Closings and Delays can also be found on our social media pages and Class Dojo App
of Washington County, Inc

City of Hagerstown State of Maryland


Head Start of Washington County, Inc. currently has eleven buses (including one with a wheelchair lift) that transport over 200+ children living within the transportation areas to classes at the following locations:
Martin Luther King Center
Sargent Shriver Head Start Center
Noland Community Center
Bus schedules showing pick-up and drop-off times and locations are provided to parents/guardians before transportation services begin.
Children living within three blocks of the Martin Luther King Center and Sargent Shriver Head Start Center are in the designated walking area and not eligible for transportation unless there is a identified disability.
Children living in Noland Village walk to and from our Head Start Center located in the Noland Community Building.
All walking children must be accompanied by an adult to and from the centers.
Head Start of Washington County. Inc. surpassed the National Head Start Child Safety Restraint Regulations to equip all buses with integrated child safety seats. In addition, the program requires that a Bus Assistant is present on each of the buses as they travel their assigned routes.
Bus Safety information is distributed to all parents/guardians at the beginning of the school year.
Parents can contribute to the safety of their children by arriving at the bus stop five to ten minutes before the scheduled drop-off and pick-up time. The bus driver cannot wait for the child, if the child misses the bus it is the parent’s responsibility to take the child to class. Buses can be early or late depending upon several factors.
An adult must always accompany the child to the bus stop. If the bus stop is across the street, the adult must walk with the child in hand to load the bus.