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The Policy Council is a group of Head Start and Early Head Start parents and community members who help lead and make decisions about our program.  Policy Council members are elected by the parents of children enrolled in the program.


The Policy Council meets monthly. Members can serve for one year at a time or up to five years. They work closely with the program's management team and governing body to provide overall direction for the program.

The Policy Council represents parents' voices and perspectives to guide decisions about our program. Policy Councils welcome parents and family members from all backgrounds and family structures. They may be mothers and fathers of all ages, grandparents, foster or adoptive parents, or other important adults in a child's life.

As a parent, you may wonder what the Policy Council is and about its role in Head Start and Early Head Start programs. You may have questions about how to join, serve on, or leave the Policy Council. We encourage you to discuss your questions with our Program Governance Coordinator.  Elections for new parent representatives to Policy Council will take place during September.  

Alicia Carter (Program Governance Coordinator) at 301-797-5231 x 126 or

Policy Council  Meeting “Minutes” are shared monthly on Class Dojo App and posted on this webpage for the parents to review .

Policy Council

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