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of Washington County, Inc

City of Hagerstown State of Maryland

Health and Nutrition

Each child enrolled in the Head Start and Early Head Start programs will receive health assessments and services to help with primary intervention and prevention methods to increase childhood, health, growth, and development.
We ensure children receive medical, dental, hearing, vision, and behavioral screenings.
One way we implement health and nutrition into their daily activities is by engaging all children in both indoor and outdoor physical activity. Serve breakfast, lunch, and snacks that are healthy and nutritious.
Health & Nutrition Services Includes:
Hearing and vision screenings
Dental examinations
Nutritional assessments
Parent education
Health and safety education in the classrooms
Referral services through community partnerships
The Importance of Immunizations
Poison Control
Administering Medication
Sick Child Policy
Oral Hygiene
First Aid
Second Hand Smoke
Importance of Nutrition and Wellness
Post-Partum Depression