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of Washington County, Inc

City of Hagerstown State of Maryland

Family Services

Every Head Start family is assigned a Family Advocate to provide support, information, and referrals in response to the needs of the family.
Head Start believes that all children - with and without disabilities - should be included in all aspects of our program.
Family Services Includes:
Regular contact in accordance with the family's needs.
Information and referrals to community agencies.
Classroom assistance.
Linking parents to other parts of the program.
Assistance with finding health care and other services for children.
Parent meetings and training sessions are provided for parents on topics of interest.
Offer parenting support and strategies.
Support parental health and links to community services during pregnancy.
Connect families to community and federal assistance.
Family Engagement Events.
Engage parents as their child's lifelong advocate.
We welcome parents to offer ways to improve children's and families' experiences in the program, including through leadership roles on the Policy Council.
Support the child and family's transition to the next step in Head Start, kindergarten, or another early childhood program.