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Early Learning


All children and families are welcomed into Head Start’s programs. We understand that every child has unique strengths and unique needs. All programs are multilingual and include children and families from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds.

At Head Start of Washington County, diversity is celebrated both in and out of the classroom.


Head Start programs help children get ready to succeed in school and in life through learning experiences tailored to their changing needs and abilities.

Early Learning Education Services Includes:

  • Build strong relationships as the foundational driver for early learning.

  • Engage families in their child's learning and recognize parents as a child's first and most influential teacher.

  • Implement effective practices to promote children's growth in five key domains (approaches to learning, social and emotional development, language and literacy, cognition, and physical development).

  • Encourage learning through play, creative expression, and guided activities with schedules and lesson plans that include the cultural and language heritage of each child and family in relevant ways.

  • Create welcoming learning environments in indoor and outdoor settings that are well-organized and safe.

  • Conduct ongoing screenings and assessments to guarantee each child is making progress.

  • Collaborate with parents and community agencies when further assessment is needed.

  • Support the full inclusion of children with disabilities and build on their strengths.

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