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Developmental Services


Head Start believes that all children - with and without disabilities - should be included in all aspects of our program. 

Our Program includes developmentally appropriate learning experiences in language, literacy, social and emotional development, math, science, social studies, creative arts, and physical development that are focused toward achieving progress outlined in the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework: Ages Birth to Five.

Developmental Services Includes:

  • The child will be screened in the first 45 days of attending class to see if additional evaluations are needed.

  • Teachers inform parents about the purposes of and the results of screenings and assessments and discuss their child’s progress.

  • Teachers who serve families make every effort to conduct home visits to engage the family in the child’s learning and development.

  • We partner with WCPS to evaluate a child’s needs for special education, speech, occupational, or physical therapy.

  • We partner with the WCPS Birth through 5 Team to provide special instruction and related services with a current Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) or Individualized Education Program (IEP).

  • Families will be assisted in advocating for their child's educational needs.

  • Parents and family members have opportunities to volunteer in the class or during group activities.

Dual Language Learners

We recognize dual language learners', bilingualism, and biliteracy as strengths and implement research-based teaching practices that support their development. 


Dual language learner means a child who is acquiring two or more languages at the same time or a child who is learning a second language while continuing to develop their first language. The term "dual language learner" may encompass or overlap substantially with other terms frequently used, such as bilingual, English language learner (ELL), Limited English Proficient (LEP), English learner, and children who speak a Language Other Than English (LOTE).

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