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of Washington County, Inc

City of Hagerstown State of Maryland


Adults often find children's behaviors interesting and engaging. There are also behaviors that adults sometimes find challenging. For example, infants fuss or cry despite the adults' efforts to comfort them or have different feeding or sleeping schedules. Toddlers sometimes hit, bite, fall to the floor, cry, kick, whine, or say "no." Some preschoolers argue or fight over toys, struggle to follow directions or become overly aggressive as they play.
Toddlers and preschoolers may also have moments of energetic play, move quickly from activity to activity, or withdraw and not want to participate in activities. Often, these behaviors are developmentally appropriate, typical, and normal—and they change with support and social, emotional, and cognitive development.
Some children need more help managing strong emotions or disruptive behaviors. If they don't receive help early, children's behaviors can negatively impact their social, emotional, and cognitive development.
Behavioral Health Services Includes:
Behavioral screening by the teaching team in the first 45 days of class.
Classroom observations.
Parenting classes.
Parenting classes and trainings.
Discussion groups that focus on behaviors at home.
Positive Behavior Interventions Support (PBIS).
Social/Emotional questionnaire for parents at child's initial enrollment.
One-on-one consultation to secure mental health services on a schedule and consistent frequency to ensure a mental health consultant is available to families in a timely manner.
Regular on-site consultation with a mental health professional, classroom observations, and consultations to address individual child needs.
Parenting Classes and Trainings, with strategies for supporting children with challenging behaviors and other social, emotional, and mental health concerns.
Wellness Promotion with Referrals.
Implement strategies to identify and support children with mental health and social and emotional concerns.
Address prevalent child mental health concerns, including internalizing problems such as appearing withdrawn and externalizing problems such as challenging behaviors.
Help parents to understand behavior health and access resources and interventions, if needed.